Monday, June 29, 2015

Leadership Week Blog Challenge 2

  Leadership Week Blog Challenge 2

Who is one of your leaders or heroes? 
What do they do to make them a leader?

Comment Below

1 comment:

  1. Room 11:
    Jorja E: Taylor Swift-She inspires people to sing and song write.

    Ethan P: My brother, because he is strong and helps me. My sister, because she helps me and says never give up!

    Rebekah B: My Mum and Dad because they challenge me to try knew things and do my best.

    Emma N: Mrs Shaw- She helps us to learn.

    Dylan M: My mum and Dad, because they inspire me to try new sports. They are good role models.

    Ethan F: Sherlock Holmes-He perseveres and thinks outside the box.

    Vilah C: My Mum, because she encouraged me to play netball and taught me how to play.
